Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Kicking the Habit: Altria to Cut Jobs

Altria Group, famous for their nicotine, announced cutting an unspecified number of jobs to get ahead of the curve on the economic doldrums forthcoming. Since no numbers or notices have been giving, you can imagine an uptight employment base at the company and a little more scrooge shopping habits for the holiday season.

This is a special company that deserves a little more mention than many other companies who are anticipating lowered demand for a couple reasons. The first is that cigarettes are in what is known as the vice index. It is a habit that people have and will buy into even in difficult times as a way to manage their stress. Things must be really bad for clownsumers to be reducing their vice. The second is that governments thought this was a decent way to get some nice tax revenues and tax these things fairly heavily. Well, if people are cutting back on the purchase of these then the logical result is lowered tax revenues. Oh-oh, what is governments plan B?

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