Tuesday, November 18, 2008

KLIK KLAK Go the Shoes Down The Hall: KLA-Tencor Sends 15% on Long Walk

KLA-Tencor, a semiconductor related corporation, has announced plans to layoff 900 employees.

Their profits dropped remarkably, so they had to take some action. Unfortunately the action resulted in 900 high paying lost jobs in a difficult environment to replace said jobs. Even harder on the individuals going through the job loss is that they may wish to ride out the Christmas season in job hunting, but the January season is unlikely to look better. I guess unemployment may spike during this season, but then when they fall out the other side and can't collect unemployment nor gain employment the stats will show a false lowering.

KLA-Tencor is headquartered in Milpitas, California.

Applied Soup Kitchens
National Disgrace: National Semiconductor Layoffs
Double Whammy Magnified: Micron Technology & Micron Personal Computers

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