Wednesday, November 12, 2008

La-Z Shoppers slow Furniture Purchases: La-Z-Boy to layoff

La-Z-Boy decided to reduce their staff by 850 people to cut costs while we are mired in the murky recession and watching it pull the lever and lay back drifting into a more severe one.

As clownsumers are no longer clammoring for their own flat screen TV that will drop in price faster than a new car driven off the lot, they will have less demand for furniture to get comfy in while watching whichever TV they are presently using. Suddenly the old coach that works and is slightly messy can be taken for upholstery cleaning instead of trashed and replaced. The owner can even claim they are being green instead of facing the harsh reality that he is tapped out and can only participate in clownsumption through the reality TV garbage he is fed.

La-Z-Boy is headquartered in Monroe, MI.

Consumer Spending Drops Most In 28 Years
Crisis of Consumer Confidence
Bankrupt: Coming Soon to Someone You Know

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